Fruits and Vegetables may be the most important food group because of the many health benefits they provide. The bottom line is that more fruits and vegetables you eat, the less likely you are to get diseases such as high blood pressure, cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Fruits and vegetables contain many key nutrients your body needs and as a bonus, they are naturally low in fat and calories.
Using Music-Based Messages to Promote Increased Consumption of Fruits and Vegetables
Music-based messages can help both children and adults remember that it’s important to consume between one and three cups of vegetables and between one and three cups of fruits each day, depending on your age, gender and how physically active you are. It is also important to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables (of different colors) in order to get the many vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals our body needs
Fruits and Vegetables Songs
Nutrients Listing Set To A Beat
Listening to GP Fruit and Vegetable Songs is an easy and pleasant way to learn about the essential nutrients provided through the consumption of fruits and vegetables including phytochemicals which are believed to prevent certain types of cancer. The song lyrics also describe how fruits and vegetables provide a source of fiber which is important for our digestive system and vitamin A, C, and E which helps our vision, our hair, our skin, teeth, bones, and glands. In addition, GP Fruit and Vegetable Song highlight that fruits and vegetables are are an excellent source of folic acid, potassium and iron which are crucial for blood cells and body fluid maintenance.